She is considered by her sisters as being the most sentimental.
By virtue of its straightforward clarity, this one, the only one he has kept, is the most sentimental.
Yet even this scene, the most sentimental, is not overplayed.
As he learns more about Laura, Mark - not the most sentimental of men - begins to fall in love with her memory.
The most sentimental thing in the world is to hide your feelings; it is making too much of them.
Vainio considers this race to be the most sentimental event in his career.
May is 4 years old and the most sentimental character of the group.
In his most sentimental moment, Thomas almost seemed to wish for that to happen.
She is the most sentimental out of the group, and genuinely cares a lot about others.
The most sentimental of these was "don't bother to write!