What has the world come to, that the most righteous nation on Krynn can be dealt such a blow?
For do not men regard Zeus as the best and most righteous of the gods?
Actually, it's the people who make the most righteous moral noises that I worry about the most.
The best among you in the sight of God is the most righteous.
He has before him the most righteous work that was ever given into the hand of man to do; and he will do it.
In other contexts, he is lauded as the most righteous of all the orishas.
Not an enemy at all- but an ally in the greatest, most righteous, yet perhaps also the vilest of plans.
Even when leading the most righteous fights, Skip can lack that common touch that distinguished his father.
He had written her, "If I fall, remember you have given your husband to the most righteous cause that ever widowed a woman."
This is that sheet of paper: Let the sun rise, the morning shine, The most righteous prayer will not bring us back.