He is the most ridiculed, but eventually discovers that he has some powerful abilities.
Not always justly: some of the most ridiculed extracts are not in fact by him.
From one of the most respected institutions of higher learning in the country, City quickly became one of the most ridiculed.
The most ridiculed proposal is "Body," a gargantuan naked human people can walk through, observing the operation of the internal organs as in a Rogers building.
During his tenure with the show, he was often the most ridiculed, and still is, for his penchant for eating and his film degree.
Even the most ridiculed is given a moment in which readers' sympathies engage.
Mikhail Gorbachev and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn may be the most ridiculed public figures in Russia today.
Captain Corelli's Mandolin seems to be one of the most ridiculed and unfairly received (by critics) films of recent years.
The loser of that game will be the most ridiculed professional team in New York, maybe in this decade.
And after five struggling seasons as head coach of the most ridiculed program in the nation, Tellier finally had players who were beginning to believe in themselves.