Wild animals of the most repellent sorts are permitted to rampage everywhere, wandering about as they please.
In truth, this task of destruction was most repellent to the poor Professor.
His was indeed a most repellent visage.
Some of the oddest and most repellent are delicious and highly nutritious.
And it is a dreadful section which he does see: reality in its most repellent aspect.
What is the most detestable, the most repellent, and the most pointless work of art you have ever seen?
Nor can you defend Speke, who comes across here as surely the most repellent man of his century or any other.
It was indeed a strange and most repellent face, for colour and outline were equally unnatural.
Afterwards Fitzgerald assured himself that the hand was the most repellent aspect of the entire affair.
Clearly this isn't the case with "Already Dead," which features one of the most repellent casts of characters to come along in a while.