To devotees, the ideal fado expresses the condition of saudade, or raw yearning, while also indulging an exquisite joy that accompanies the most rapturous sadness.
It is also a rare blend of purity and maturity-the year's most rapturous love story.
Now that she knew she was capable of experiencing the most rapturous pleasure, she would be on her guard to prevent a repetition of last night.
But there's no denying the visual loveliness of its most rapturous moments or the power of its daring (Maslin).
There's no denying the visual loveliness of this film's most rapturous moments.
The audiences at 'Gem of the Ocean' were some of the most rapturous we've ever had.
Oh most rapturous joy!
The fact that some of today's most rapturous and accessible pop music seldom reaches a mass audience shows how fickle mainstream audiences can be.
Callas was soaring in the "Cara nome" and he waited, marveling at the body she brought to the highest, most rapturous notes.
What a gift: 100 superb examples of Spanish religious art, which is some of the most rapturous and wrenching religious art ever made.