As we talked about on the podcast, its air quality is some of the most pristine in the world.
"These are the most pristine meteorite samples on the planet right now."
Even the most pristine estate is unlikely to pass the white glove test.
Investigators regard the letter as the most pristine evidence yet uncovered in the case.
The police did say that the car, which was not in the most pristine condition, had been in the lot for about three months.
But that's different from saying that we still have the most pristine or the highest quality water supply in the world.
All the have nice harbor views, but it's not the most pristine setting to soak.
This bushland is some of the most pristine in western Sydney.
Cruise lines travel the most pristine waters of America, dumping all the way.
In so doing, Digital has long held one of the industry's most pristine balance sheets, with no long-term debt.