The two guides went in front to seek out the most practicable paths.
It was evident in the latest recovery plan, hatched by Dr. Blakely and unveiled last month, and widely praised as the most practicable yet.
This was found to be feasible within the existing rail corridor, and was seen as the most practicable way of providing more capacity on the route.
There was water to hunt, far ahead of the herd, together with the most practicable way of reaching it.
Of the intervening gills, Scaley Beck was reckoned the most practicable, the other three being overly rough and devoid of interest.
The road, which ran between the Durance and the Rhône, was the most practicable route in winter to connect Milan and Cologne.
Ice Age offered renderings of glaciated cities, infra-red ray guns, and a floating city alongside underground habitations - "the safest and most practicable retreat!"
Damages awards in these categories are justified by the restitutio principle as monetary compensation provides the most practicable way of redressing the deprivation caused by physical injury.
Directives are most practicable in the following circumstances:
The national parliaments must choose the best and most practicable ways of achieving the national emission ceilings that have now been proposed.