Of the three (sources this paper is based), he is the most discursive in his narration, the most piquant in his anecdotes, the most amusing in his simplicity.
The papers lauded him as the "most piquant and humorous writer and lecturer on the Coast since the days of the lamented John Phoenix."
"Eight Etudes and a Fantasy" for wind quartet (1950) straddles his conservative earlier style and his mature complexity in a most piquant way.
He also kept his homosexuality a secret - indeed in one of the play's most piquant scenes we see Rattigan's doting mother still puzzled in the dramatist's middle age that her son has never married.
The thrill he felt was the most piquant he had experienced in years.
"It's most piquant, Mother dear, but the sauce could use just the tiniest bit more fresh-ground pepper, don't you think?"
The kippers are most piquant, and if I may recommend Mrs. Wilson's strawberry jam for after?
The most piquant supporting character in "Dream With the Fishes" is Liz (Kathryn Erbe), Nick's devoted but bored-looking girlfriend.
The third and most piquant description of this bizarre tea party was given by Forbes in answer to a questionnaire from Goering's lawyer at Nuremberg.
Studied in the aggregate, buddy lists can even address one of life's most piquant questions: How popular am I?