Four species of Clivia were included in the analysis; the single most parsimonious tree is shown below.
Homoplastic character states require extra steps to explain their distribution on a most parsimonious cladogram.
It might not be the most parsimonious expression, but the idea is clear enough.
The adjusted analyses involved the composite variables described in the Methods section with the purpose of constructing the most parsimonious model.
But he was being a good scientist - preferring to seek the most parsimonious explanation of the data and not to go beyond it.
Their computer program processed the data to find the most parsimonious tree, one based on the fewest assumptions and genetic mutations.
It is among the most parsimonious explanations, sparing in proposed entities or explanations.
This is indicated by the other 24 out of 30 most parsimonious trees recovered from the analysis.
The most parsimonious tree for the dataset represents the preferred hypothesis of relationships among the taxa in the analysis.
In practice, maximum likelihood tends to favor trees that are very similar to the most parsimonious tree(s) for the same dataset.