With the most painstaking care and nicety, I stood the umbrella up once more, took my hand away, and down it came again.
We have found it to be most painstaking.
Not even the most painstaking reporter had been interested in the minutes of that meeting.
Naturally, the revision couldn't be done except with the most painstaking care.
The Church was being dangerously corrupted from within, and only the most painstaking investigation could protect it.
Experts agree that even the most painstaking modeling can never do more than approximate the hearing conditions in a real concert hall.
David Soanes is one of the most painstaking guys I've ever come across.
The most painstaking of plans may collapse because the parts of the plan do not keep to schedule.
That will be the longest, most painstaking part of the test.
The new concept of the face bears witness to the most painstaking concentration.