He said, "It's the safest, most painless kind of invasion.
That reads like the quickest and most painless.
"A patient once said to me 'giving my anonymous data is the most painless thing I can do to help others get better.'"
Instead of that, Mary, he died the quickest and most painless death there is.
That makes the 401(k) one of the most painless ways to save for retirement.
Hanging, when carried out with modern techniques, can be one of the quickest and most painless ways to be executed.
Plucky administered to her the most painless knockout in his karate repertoire.
It'll be the most painless of deaths.
Jewish authorities have asserted that shechitah is the most painless method of slaughter possible.
This bull market may not be the best ever, but it is one of the most painless.