He is also selling fancy watches, the most overt signs of success.
However, these are only the most overt examples of the use of this scale in jazz.
According to feminists, in its most overt expression, a misogynist will openly hate all women simply because they are female.
The most overt political conflicts over the future of the news media have emerged in Hungary.
The most overt example was published in 1980 by Chaosium.
The style is most overt in the building's symmetry which is particularly emphasized by certain elements.
Mr. Thompson is the most overt in his efforts to be innovative.
But the most overt disapproval has come from the public, in the form of several hundred hostile letters.
His actions reminded the Members in the most overt and humiliating way of their own failure as humanity's representatives.
Those are only the most overt changes advocated in the review papers.