School construction projects were preserved based on need, with Queens high schools, the most overcrowded, at the top of the list.
Community District 1 is home to some of the city's most overcrowded and worst-performing schools.
BUT the major concern of residents is their schools, which are among the most overcrowded in the city.
It also has some of the city's most overcrowded schools and among the lowest test scores.
At an area of only 110,000 m2 it is also called the "most overcrowded fair of the world".
California suffers from some of the nation's most overcrowded classrooms.
"I've got one of the most overcrowded prison systems in America," he said.
Otherwise, School District 10, now the second most overcrowded in the city, will become even more so.
They were supposed to bring relief to one of the city's most overcrowded schools.
"We have 35 acres sitting idle in one of our most overcrowded areas for schools."