"I thought, is this guy the most obnoxious, arrogant of artists?"
Ask him to think of the most obnoxious, disgust- ing person he has ever met in his life.
The most obnoxious of these measures having been with drawn, Galloway withdrew his protest.
But I wish you had been here to dispose of our most obnoxious pest.
It will force both camps to improve and to give up their most obnoxious practices.
All in all, as you may have gathered, he was a most obnoxious appearing person.
He was also forced to sign a retraction of statements in his books that were most obnoxious to the Vatican.
For now, expand coverage and eliminate some of the insurance system's most obnoxious features.
"We do seem to attract the most obnoxious men."
Those people are the pushiest, most obnoxious ever spawned.