But while the questions from citizens are generally friendlier, it is the amateur who sometimes dares to ask the most mortifying question.
--It is, in fact, a most mortifying retrospect for me.
They were the most mortifying sight I ever beheld; and the women more horrible than the men.
I recalled one of my most mortifying moments.
Marion turned very quickly upon him, and with a most mortifying neglect, said, "Aye, lieutenant, is that you?
It had suddenly struck her as the most excruciating, the most mortifying fact of her existence.
We had better put an end to this most mortifying conference.
She had not believed these insinuations, although his long silence would have justified the most mortifying suppositions, the most cruel doubts.
It was the most mortifying moment of my broadcasting career so far.
And no one keeps closer track of her family's most mortifying habits, everything from Dad's burping to Mom's public appearances in curlers.