And here's where it does the most mischievous teasing, since the story's big Antarctic spectacle still seems warmer than the not-quite-love-affair.
The skin rinkled around his eyes, giving him a most mischievous look.
These two words are playing the most mischievous part in India today.
Maybe so, but it is also the most mischievous proposal of the year.
This man sounds like a pornographer of the most mischievous variety!
That Arab who put a pistol to young Desert's head was a symbol of the most mischievous trait in human nature!
Watching me, Tommo suddenly gets a most mischievous look on his face.
Once upon a time there was a wicked sprite, indeed he was the most mischievous of all sprites.
"Jenny," Ginger said and smiled her father's most mischievous smile at me.
"Now let anybody say again, that chance is not the most mischievous and spiteful of all devils!"