This latest technology, however, provides the most material at the most advanced stage of digital speed and capacity.
The most important of these students was Albert Riedlinger, who provided them with the most material.
The sensibility of the most material work is close to that of Watteau.
Tim Kaihatsu wrote quite a lot- in fact, he was the one who came up with the most material.
Circumstances could be envisaged in which such a threat could be most material to a woman.
But would it not be the worst of acts to eat the bread of one's country and betray its most material interests?
There was a new motive for beginning with the most material, and even with the meanest things.
I continued the pattern of questioning, establishing that Kendra's statements were consistent with respect to the most material facts.
I corrected some of the most material, and in that form it was printed in French.
Even at the most material level there were some differences in the status of women.