Anselm noted the man had a most malevolent look in the one eye.
Naturally, allowing the city's most malevolent villains to roam free in an enclosed space has lead to its own set of problems.
Or for wasting his time in making him the latest to babysit sport's most malevolent participants?
Yet, even together, their strength may not be enough to hold back the most malevolent of forces.
She had selected a sequence that caught Bat at his most malevolent.
The introduction attains its most malevolent development in this century, being, indeed, closely related to our political system.
Her self-deprecating manner must disguise a heart of the most malevolent intention.
What's shocking about this century isn't the evil or the unusual efficiency of its most malevolent actors.
Or does until you remember how close to victory some of his most malevolent candidates came.
Those who operated within the Soviet sphere were the most malevolent in their practices.