Frank hefted the most macabre of all the old guy's creations.
The most macabre contribution of all comes from Dennis Oppenheim.
Cemeteries around the state are the places where you'll find the most macabre tales, chilling stories of grave robberies - and vandalism.
The case has given pause to even the most experienced police investigators, who call it one of the most macabre killings in memory.
The most macabre barometer perhaps is the body count, corpses known in law enforcement parlance as 10-7's.
A series on Showtime, beginning tomorrow night, easily represents the most macabre entry in the game.
"He was at the top of the power pyramid - the most violent, the most macabre," Miss Warren said.
But only in the most macabre of fashions.
If we leave human rights outside the negotiating room, we will be falling into the most macabre cynicism.
Mr. Blake's work, even at its most macabre, is seductive.