The feat of filling Madison Square Garden can tie the tongues of the most loquacious musicians.
"I am already weary, and now must listen to the world's most loquacious lecturer."
(In this genre, the author's most loquacious sources seldom harm their chances of being cast as heroes rather than as villains.)
Lee P. Brown has never been known as the most loquacious of men.
Winfield seemed the most loquacious.
Expect the usual linguistic fireworks from the most loquacious Mr. Wellman.
But ask even the most loquacious cooks what "it" is, and they are at a loss for words.
It was, even by the standards of this most loquacious of Presidents, an exceptional performance.
Is it any coincidence that J. D. Salinger has attracted two of the most loquacious memoirists in decades?
Frankel also rivals the most loquacious of railbirds when it comes to second-guessing the tactics of jockeys on his horses.