Having a baby is the single most joyous co-experience that two human beings can share, and he wasn't going to miss a second of it.
It is the town most joyous occasion throughout the year.
The most joyous part of the book - to him and no doubt to many readers, though not to me - is Watergate.
He later commented "this was one of the most joyous times in my life".
It was one of the most joyous periods in my life.
The day after the most joyous holiday of the year, my doctor called and delivered the news that I had prostate cancer.
The Rum aspect that still lived within him was most joyous of all.
I hope that you will join with us to help ease the suffering and indeed ring in a most joyous holiday season.
It didn't turn out to be the most joyous anniversary.
When they spread their anarchy, it was the most joyous thing you had ever seen.