By midsummer, even the most inveterate street-festival denizen knows the sameness of the fairs' offerings.
The England and Netherlands spotters are usually considered as the most inveterate in their field.
In the redress afforded to the Nizam I drew him to our interests from the most inveterate enmity.
The warmest of Friends, the most inveterate of Enemies, such was the Baroness Lindenberg.
Secondly, its name must be unknown to even the most inveterate patient who knows most drugs by name and is always quick to read the prescription.
In my honeymoon, too, when my most inveterate enemy might relent, one would think, and not envy me a little peace of mind and happiness.
The most inveterate croaker and grumbler in the world--and yet, according to his own account, the only cheerful man in the whole ship's company.
Talpurs, who pardoned even their most inveterate enemies couldn't be expected to wield swords against their brethren.
This is the cost of getting everyone to agree, from the descendents of the EU's founding fathers to the most inveterate Euro sceptics.
So murky are details of the struggle at the top that not even the most inveterate Beijing gambler would try to pick a winner.