Mr. Phillips thought that Presley was probably the most introverted man he had ever seen, the family said.
Steve Kuhn is a master of silence; he can be one of jazz's most introverted pianists.
Uncharacteristically, it was Dern Foley, the most introverted of the three, who broke the ice.
Who turns out when two of New York's shyest and most introverted throw an election-night party?
Pacific Northwest has among the most introverted people in the United States.
Even the most introverted person alive is constantly hungry for human association.
To me, she looked rather dowdy, and I thought she was the most introverted girl I had ever met.
I'm probably one of the most introverted people in public life, running for an office at this level.
Considered the most sophisticated, yet also the most introverted, of her parents' five daughters, Kennedy since childhood had a fascination with travel and Hollywood.
It just so happens that the two interlopers, Williams and Mendoza, are the most introverted members of the team.