But there was something insufferable about Marak that brought out her most intransigent reflexes.
Have we just selected out the most intransigent vivisectors?
He had the most intransigent set of ministers that ever plagued any king.
But time, and experience, changes the mind of even the most intransigent of individuals.
The administration says it has come up with ways to make crime drop further, by zeroing in on the most intransigent pockets of criminality.
Sad how those two were estranged; pointless; but family estrangements seemed to be the most intransigent of all.
They were the most loyal to their faith, the most intransigent.
Mar Lodge has proved that even the most intransigent of ministers will begin to bend to public pressure.
This planet was less than a light-hour away from the world of his most intransigent enemies.
Only the most intransigent devotee will miss the histories, which add up to seven.