Maybe the message is ambiguous enough to escape the ire of the most intolerant passers-by.
The villagers demanded higher wages and seized land from giant estates owned by some of the richest and most intolerant families in the Salvadoran oligarchy.
Stunned Tourists A Port Authority police officer said that commuters were the most intolerant.
Perhaps to quell that thought, the league assigned one of its most intolerant crews.
How can the West peacefully accommodate China if the most intolerant elements on either side of the Pacific remain in ascendancy?
He depicts of people whose liberal opinions are just bigotry in disguise, of those so-called intellectuals who are most intolerant and prejudiced.
In any case, the radical alternative to your behavior, skipping your post-gym shower altogether, is too noisome for even the most intolerant among us to advocate.
By 1832 the city of Zamość, where Ettinger now lived, had been incorporated into the Russian partition, the most intolerant of the three.
That those who loudly preach diversity often do not practice it, that those who decry intolerance may be found among the most intolerant.
"The Harvard liberal is the most intolerant of all ideologues."