Calling it a freak show is the most inhumane and worst thing you can possibly do.
As an animal advocate (and normal human being) the bear bile practice is the most inhumane industry I have witnessed.
Others opposed to the cull argue that for economic reasons the government have chosen the most inhumane approach to disease eradication.
That man treated me in the most inhumane and cavalier fashion, he said to himself for the millionth time.
Animal advocates regard their use as one of the most inhumane features of intensive animal agriculture.
Delegitimization provides "the moral and the discursive basis to harm the delegitimized group, even in the most inhumane ways".
But what I've seen here is the most inhumane treatment of people ever.
It is without doubt true that torture is the most inhumane and degrading practice.
European countries will only be able to prevent this most inhumane form of crime by pooling the resources they have to combat this phenomenon effectively.
But this process, of treating people with such uncertainty, is the most inhumane thing I've ever experienced.