It's difficult to understand all of the lyrics, but some of the most inflammatory parts are below.
It's as if the mood of the whole portfolio is set by the most inflammatory scene, a lynching.
Indeed, the most inflammatory issue in the debate is the phone companies' role in cable service.
That statement was not the most inflammatory made by the Surgeon General since she took office 15 months ago and began to outrage conservatives.
They were the most inflammatory speeches I ever heard.
Is it time to drop some of the most inflammatory rhetoric about "terrorism" and drug trafficking, too?
That the Bush administration had a clear agenda and interpreted all intelligence on Iraq in the most inflammatory way possible was its failing.
The idea of using historical material came from a friend who suggested that "all the most inflammatory speeches about peace and freedom have already been written."
Some of your most inflammatory comments have been made in your essays and columns.
The main reason this article is here is because these kinds of posts always get the most inflammatory and entertaining comments.