In the film's most indelible image, he is frantically running to catch a train, sometimes making his connection and sometimes missing it.
It was in the genre of the Lied, however, that Schubert made his most indelible mark.
The Hall selects the logo "based on where that player makes his most indelible mark."
Portrayals of health problems have yielded some of film's most indelible performances.
But it was in the 40 years he spent in the classroom that he made his most indelible mark.
But his most indelible moment came in the final minute when he dove for a loose ball, slid across the court and called a timeout.
Indeed, Bordieu believes that "the strongest and most indelible mark of infant learning" would probably be in the tastes of food.
But it was as Davies, the derelict caretaker, that he gave his most indelible performance.
Still, it was three naturalistic writers who supplied literature's most indelible images of postwar suburbia as the American dream gone awry.
Their instrumental voices remain among the most indelible in jazz history.