Mayor Sharpe James, the city's most indefatigable booster, calls the public housing high-rises "shameful reservations for the poor."
Bourne was one of the most indefatigable students and workers of his day.
They also let companies put their brands into the hands of some of the country's most indefatigable shoppers.
"They are certainly the most indefatigable argufiers the Race has ever encountered."
One of the most indefatigable letter writers of his generation, his epistolary art reflects the major debates of more than thirty years in Virginia.
Conor Cruise O'Brien called them "the most indefatigable and explicit carriers" of the Catholic nation idea.
Hayes is the most indefatigable proponent of the Iraq-Al Qaeda link outside the administration.
The Associated Press wrote that she was probably "the most indefatigable campaigner on the New Hampshire primary circuit, including the candidates".
Even the most indefatigable consumer should not walk along it - it's a mile and a half long and lined with more than 30 shopping malls.
Of all the project managers, Joshua Poptean was known as the most exacting, the man with the most indefatigable appetite for work.