Secondary objectives were to provide temporary relief programs for those most impacted by the recession and invest in infrastructure, education, health, and renewable energy.
Increased economic risks and experiences of poverty are associated with those communities most impacted by the Volta River's development.
Congressman Landry represents Louisiana's 3rd Congressional District, the district most impacted by the oil spill and subsequent Presidential drilling moratoria.
The storm made its second landfall in Fujian province, China, which was the province most impacted by the tropical cyclone.
Among those considerations was first that Montgomery County was the community most affected and most impacted by the sniper shootings.
These projects have played a major role in clearing agricultural land and opening critical road networks and increasing access in those areas of the country most impacted by landmines.
Grizzly bears prefer the montane habitat, which has been most impacted by development.
By race, the African American population has been most disproportionately impacted by HIV.
Tenant farmers were predominantly young - the age group most impacted by conscription.
Gilt darters are most impacted by siltation which covers their feeding and spawning grounds.