Her words prevented his lips from reaching hers and that was the most imminent danger she could see.
Indeed, breakers had been continually under their lee, and at a small distance from them; so that they were in the most imminent danger.
I encourage all the candidates in both parties to make dealing with this most imminent threat one of their highest priorities.
Malaria in particular, which kills approximately 300,000 children annually, poses the most imminent threat.
However, the most imminent threat to the country was that of warfare.
Mine, though, would be in the most imminent peril.
The problem of the housing of the refugees was the most imminent.
The most imminent danger was on the front that the third Schlinal battalion assaulted.
Of the most imminent one - in the north - he did not breathe a word to his friend and ally.
The most imminent is internal security - or rather, to be more accurate, the lack of it.