The Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition considered the franchise "probably the most illiberal in Europe".
Although Americans are seldom roused to defend privacy in the abstract, the most illiberal and intrusive technologies of surveillance have, in fact, provoked political outrage that has forced the data collectors to retreat.
So you want to offer those who have a deep passion for liberty, democracy, justice and fairness, a rehash of the most illiberal, undemocratic, unjust and unfair Government in recent memory?
The biggest one (as many have pointed out) was blindly following the lead of that most illiberal of thinkers, Catherine MacKinnon.
(d)"The saddest result of the Boer War was that the Liberal government approved a most illiberal constitution for the South Africa Union in settlements of 1906 and 1910.
As you well know, the University of California at Berkeley boasts some of our most illiberal professors.
Antioch College became a rump where the most illiberal trends in education became entrenched.
Mr President, this is one of the most illiberal and dishonest measures ever to come out of the EU, one with potentially enormous consequences.
I wish to focus especially on Article 4, which is one of the most illiberal proposals to pass through this House.
"This is most illiberal law in the world," he said.