Under what might not be the most hospitable circumstances, she says, "these girls are able to get into the programs and succeed.
If all of life evolved toward our supposedly perfect form, that may be because it's most hospitable to bacteria.
The most hospitable of people to friends, against enemies they were ruthless.
The kingdom is a harsh place, but the people who live there are the most hospitable I've ever met.
We have come in glad thanks for your most hospitable and needful welcome.
The ranch house was, however, modern and made most hospitable by the Hanovers.
They are the kindest and most hospitable of all the regions I have passed through so far.
"Not exactly the most hospitable beach I've ever seen."
Early on he identified the mess halls with the best food and most hospitable staff.
We lived with them for six weeks and they were just the most hospitable and giving of people.