You must have - to avoid the most hackneyed term in the solar system - the Correct Stuff.
They were the most hackneyed lyrics in the world, but I loved them.
Luckily, Mr. Witherspoon has a voice that can bring even the most hackneyed lyric to life.
Maybe it's time for a moratorium on that most hackneyed of moviemaking concepts, the film-noir spoof.
One of the oldest, most hackneyed tales in the book," as Ariel muses.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, is this the most hackneyed Clip joint opening line of them all?
This features the most hackneyed sections of the soundtrack of Casablanca.
Ms. Bitner resuscitates one of modern art's most hackneyed subjects: the circus.
She was discovering that there was truth in one of showbusiness's most hackneyed old sayings: Fame costs.
This is one of the dullest, most hackneyed cliches in journalism, always followed by a mournful paean to responsibility.