In the hierarchy of hype, the assistance the firm was seeking was the most genteel.
A recent sampling of the new menu shows great promise for this most genteel and comforting spot, where service continues to be excellent.
For her it represents secondhand values of the most genteel and restrictive kind.
He proceeded-in the most genteel way, of course-to wall me in.
A most genteel way to while away an afternoon, and a must for families with girls who like to dress up.
"Underneath the most genteel societies there's often a rotten core."
Though as I have said it may not be the most genteel pursuit in the world.
He carefully formulated the most genteel battle cry in the history of bowdlerism.
In the most genteel terms, they offer him an enormous bribe to stop his inquiries.
She was perhaps the sweetest, kindest, most genteel person who had ever come to see me for treatment.