Even the most frivolous of the Senators was aware that this was an important moment.
The settlement site had been ransacked for any films or records, even the most frivolous.
When once the spirit of dissension had arisen, the most frivolous causes gave it activity.
It is only the most frivolous sorts of magic that excite their interest.
Resolute was thought by many to be a most frivolous youth.
"Let me tell you, in 16 years this is probably the most frivolous lawsuit that I have seen," he said.
Yet, the vigorously conservative 80's wrought the most frivolous fashion in years.
"But you've been looking for simply ages," said Wo- glinde, the youngest and most frivolous of the three.
But I know the world; and this much any way, that the most frivolous excuses for a suicide are often the toughest to stand by.
In seeking to avoid such expense and drain on personnel, companies often settle even the most frivolous cases.