But perhaps most fortuitous, from a publishing perspective, are two new books that were already scheduled to arrive in stores this week.
Chance has placed you in a most fortuitous position, Lacoch, and now you show even more interesting abilities.
"It could not have come at a better time," he said, striking the most fortuitous sheet of paper with his hand.
His site selection, a mere 2 minutes from his home, turned out to be most fortuitous.
Your arrival at this time was most fortuitous.
Still in the private language, he said: "It requires the most fortuitous beginning."
I have only come to wish Virginia a most fortuitous birthday.
His meeting with Brickman had been most fortuitous.
"A midair collision has only been avoided by the most fortuitous circumstances."
Nor would the treasure ever have been found but for a most fortuitous accident.