The difficulties of such an undertaking daunt all but the most foolhardy.
That second start was the most foolhardy thing I ever did.
It said that going any further could be the most foolhardy thing Simnel would ever do.
In any event, only the toughest or the most foolhardy individuals dared challenge him to a fair fight.
Sometimes the most foolhardy thing you can do is to delay.
Players tend to travel in groups, with the bravest or most foolhardy taking the lead as others watch their back.
Enough to intimidate all but the most foolhardy, he hoped.
Here was enough to have turned the most foolhardy from his purpose, but my inclination ran too strong the other way.
That was a most foolhardy decision to make.
Then, the boys had gone into it without hesitation; now, not even the most foolhardy of teen-agers would have taken the chance.