She knew, as Susan did, that a vampire's flesh was one of the most flammable substances imaginable.
Soon, Fairbury became known as the most flammable town in the Midwest.
Given the fatalism that prevails about this most flammable region of the world, that is an audacious optimism indeed.
"And one of the most flammable."
Prior to 2009, homes were still using lanterns and candles, leading to "The Crom" as locals refer it to, being the most flammable community in Ontario.
The Middle East has been one of the most flammable parts of the world for many decades, of course.
The most flammable compounds contain carbon and hydrogen, which recombine with oxygen relatively easily to form carbon dioxide, water and other gases.
Chaparral is one of the most flammable vegetation complexes there are.
The Middle East may well be the most flammable place in the world.
The flames shoot out in the direction opposite to where you attach the firecracker, thus allowing you to aim the firebomb at the most flammable material.