Young people come to the gardens dressed in their most festive traditional clothes early on the day the yams are delivered to the yam house.
And not enough wine can turn even the most festive gathering instantly deadly.
Sunday is typically the busiest and most festive day of the conference, as many return to their local areas on Monday.
Out of these three holidays, Materice is the most festive.
At present, one of the town's most festive events is the harvest pageant every October.
Three o'clock found them ready and waiting, arrayed in their most festive attire.
The square is at its most festive on Saturdays, when the park is rimmed by vendors of a mini-greenmarket.
The Times must stop this vicious campaign against our most festive family bird.
Salmon makes the most festive of cold fish dishes, and like all fish, it cooks beautifully in a microwave oven.
All but a few members of the class signed a petition excoriating the administration for ruining this most festive of nights.