They were the most far-out group of all, and only the most advanced Discordians could begin to understand their gibberish.
-that made the most far-out experimental notions in Home Dimension look like kindergarten toys.
Which one of you dresses the most far-out when you aren't in uniform?
Inside the 800-square-foot store, opened in March 2001 by Patty Ratner and Patti Storms, is everything on a cat's or dog's most far-out wish list.
As director of the computer research institute announced on Thursday, he is now in the position to test even his most far-out ideas.
Who can have the most far-out story?
The Miller show is his best in years - his most controlled and most far-out.
In the film's most far-out sequence, Sam borrows Air Force One to whisk Mia and a love interest (Marc Blucas) to a White House party.
Another outdoor piece, and the most far-out object in the show, is Lars-Erik Fisk's "Barn Ball" (1998), representing the ubiquitous New England barn.