Others, in the most far-flung reaches of the remote, are well labeled.
But to those in the know, Cisco has emerged as the dominant provider of the glue that holds today's biggest and most far-flung corporate networks together.
I fly more than 300,000 miles a year for business, and I've been to some of the most far-flung places on earth.
Brementon, Boondocks, and ten thousand other similar wandering junkyards constituted the most far-flung "community" humanity had ever known.
The movies also share a moody atmosphere, with "Dracula" the most far-flung.
And these tracks served as ways of communication between the most far-flung tribes.
And then later, in one mercenary war after another in the most far-flung nations of the world.
America, as the world's most far-flung military power, has a strong interest in how captured soldiers are treated.
But of all the festivals around the world, one of the most far-flung must be the Lake of Stars.
The most far-flung example of the game's expansion may be Whittier College in suburban Los Angeles.