An error in the instrument--that is certainly the most facile explanation.
Yet more facile playing around with structures from the country's most facile politician.
The most facile hypothesis, that better wines are made there, may well prove groundless.
They are most facile at these.
His obvious facility with realistic detail may be partly responsible for this; at his most facile he comes off as something of an illustrator.
Possibly the most facile headline in world history.
An error in the instrument-that is certainly the most facile explanation.
Such work shows the computer in its most facile guise, as a graphic shortcut rather than a truly creative outlet.
Conversely, they may, in the most facile sense, claim Shakespeare as our contemporary, not bothering with accents or fancy dress at all.
With the deftest and most facile stealth he came up behind the second bandit, which in its dying made a sound of distress.