The "most electable candidate" commments were something I've thought ever since the primaries, but have seen hardly anyone express.
However, they all declined and encouraged Kaine to run for the seat, believing he would be by far the most electable candidate.
And those are the most electable ones.
How can you say you're the most electable candidate?
There is no absolutely correct way to choose the best or most electable candidate for President.
The fact that he is the most electable shows how strange (as I see it) the republican field is.
"I'm trying to figure out who is most electable, so I'm doing serious shopping still."
But those who are leaving are the most electable, the young, and the workers in whose name the party has claimed to govern.
"Oh God... I am only the third most electable person at this table."
She added that Governor Clinton was "still perceived as the candidate who is most electable."