It took place in the apartment and began with the most down-to-earth member of our family.
Quite apart from being the most down-to-earth thing about us, feet are a subtle source of sensuality.
Of all the future people on this spaceship, he seemed the most down-to-earth.
Right now, the most down-to-earth prices are in contemporary art.
He was the most down-to-earth person I'd ever met.
America's workers, beggared by recession, offer the most down-to-earth of all readings of the future.
She is the most down-to-earth person I've ever met.
She is the most down-to-earth and truthful poet I have ever had the pleasure to read.
She's just an amazing person, the most down-to-earth person you could meet.
"Kim is the most down-to-earth woman in the world," he says.