AllMusic praised the album, writing, "this music, even at its most dissonant, is stunning and captivating."
These chords are the most dissonant you can get and in Voivod, Piggy would throw them everywhere.
Reviews generally cite Zauberberg as the darkest, most dissonant Gas release.
The unison is considered the most consonant interval while the near unison is considered the most dissonant.
The major second was historically considered one of the most dissonant intervals of the diatonic scale, although much 20th century music saw it reimagined as a consonance.
The most dissonant structure in the group it has steeply inclined slab roofs and extensive areas of glazing.
The following final climax, given by full orchestra, concludes on the most dissonant chord.
McSkee had the loudest and most dissonant voice in town, but would an honest friend desert him for that?
The major seventh interval is considered one of the most dissonant intervals after its inversion the minor second.
Ross dismisses Connotations as a "barbaric yawp of a piece" and "by some margin the most dissonant score of Copland's career."