This is the most disgraceful piece of legislation ever foisted upon us!
"We are coming to the end of the most disgraceful and immoral presidency in the history of this country."
But we are neglecting our duty in the most disgraceful manner.
This proceeding, in violation of the specified arrangements, was most disgraceful.
And yet, strangely enough, the next interruption, the most disgraceful of all, came from Helmholtz himself.
"To me, this is one of the most disgraceful episodes in America's military history."
That our elderly are thrown into poverty by taking drugs they need to stay alive is the most disgraceful fact of all.
Of course it was only the most disgraceful thing to be left alone at a ball.
The most disgraceful aspect of this travesty is its hypocrisy.
They relate to and throw some fresh light on one of the most disgraceful incidents in Scots history.