They are the most disabling of the symptoms because cognitive problems affect everyday functioning.
The World Health Organization ranks migraines among the most disabling ills.
Action myoclonus is the most disabling form of myoclonus and can affect the arms, legs, face, and even the voice.
The most disabling assumption that Rostow has taken is of trying to fit economic progress into a linear system.
The World Health Organization ranks depression as one of the world's most disabling diseases.
The disease, which is considered to be the most disabling of mental disorders, afflicts about 2.8 million Americans.
Fatigue is usually the most disabling symptom; energy conservation can significantly reduce fatigue episodes.
Bradykinesia is the most disabling symptom in the early stages of the disease.
Other than a broken bone or a damaged knee, a pulled hamstring is perhaps the most disabling injury of all for any athlete.
Schizophrenia and related disorders are among the most disabling of mental illnesses.