The study demonstrates the urgent need for a screening tool to diagnose this disease in its earliest, most curable stage.
It is also one of the most curable of cancers, but only if it is found in its early stages.
Colon cancer can almost always be caught by colonoscopy in its earliest and most curable stages.
Mammography can often find tiny cancers before they can be felt by a woman or her doctor and when they are presumed to be most curable.
It also tends to be most curable if found early because it spreads relatively slowly and often times does not spread outside of the lung.
This is the most treatable and most curable stage.
The tests enable doctors to detect tumors and precancerous polyps at an early stage, when they are easiest to remove and most curable.
The workers were all too familiar with anthrax; in the previous 16 years, 136 had developed cutaneous anthrax, the most curable form.
Testicular cancer is one of the most curable forms of cancer, especially during its early stages.
Hodgkin's is among the most curable cancers.