Before this board, presided over by General de St. Germain, Esterhazy, trying to avenge himself, made revelations which were most compromising for himself as well as for his protectors.
Read choked up when he read the card, gently touching the edges as he whispered: "I've been given strength by someone - that's a capital Someone - to help people who are in the most compromising positions.
I was dictating to Miss Pettigrew in my sittingroom, when suddenly Mrs. Blair burst in without a word of excuse and wearing most compromising attire.
Setting it all up so beautifully, manipulating Jack and the girl into the most compromising of positions had done her self-confidence a power of good.
He is the most compromising regarding Elena and her friends.
So DS-1 was about to cover up again--by taking the most compromising step of all.
That, in turn, sets up the next wave of defense, which is to no-comment even the most compromising disclosures and to defame any questioner as a tool of the fictional conspiracy.
Oren picked up the most compromising photo.
In a most compromising position.
In what Mr. Rubenstein calls his subject's "most compromising article," Ehrenburg muses about the lonely helmsman in the Kremlin: "I think of the burden, the courage, the grandeur."